- 💡 Be sure to read all the information on our هڪ اعتماد ٺاهيو page.
- 🔍 The jurisdiction is chosen by us (توهان جي گهرج تي منحصر ڪري ٿو). جيڪڏهن توهان کي ثابت ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آهي (ڪنهن ٽئين پارٽي ڏانهن) جيڪو اعتماد موجود آهي: then the Trust’s existence needs to be registered within a jurisdiction (only the Trustee will be public record – not the beneficiaries).
- ✏️ The service includes the drafting of the trust deed
- ✉️ You will be contacted after your order for this purpose
- 🔁 Renewal @ £150/year
- 🕒 It is possible to start the service at a specific date (مستقبل ۾).
- ⚠️ Service subject to approval, خدمت رد ٿيڻ جي صورت ۾: توهان کي مڪمل طور تي واپس ڪيو ويندو.
- ✅ You can order with confidence.
نوٽ: توهان کي هئڻ گهرجي رجسٽرڊ ۽ ھن پراڊڪٽ کي آرڊر ڪرڻ لاءِ اڳ-منظور ٿيل آھي.