- Hierdie spesiale Wyoming Series LLC is volledig AML (Anti-geldwassery) voldoen, perfect for real estate transactions
(especially needed for the EU), brokerage accounts or bank accounts.
Your name and residential address will appear on the public register.
We will contact you (deur e-pos) na u bestelling om die AML-nakoming te finaliseer.
You agree that all the Series will not have any combined assets above $250,000 geleë in Wyoming.
Your company document will be certified with Apostille and be sent to you by post free of charge (allow up to 2 months for delivery)
- As u gereed is om te bestel: tik die gewenste naam van die Series LLC in en bestel die aantal reekse wat u hier wil hê
Free @llc.pm email address for your Series LLC
It is possible to start the service at a specific date (in die toekoms).
You will get your Series LLC documents by email within 48 uur maksimum.
Government fee and Registered Agent fee are included!
Prys per jaar: hernuwing sal dieselfde prys wees (insluitend die jaarverslag).
Nie terugbetaalbaar nie: daarop dat hierdie produk nie terugbetaal kan word sodra dit gekoop is nie.
Let wel: jy moet wees geregistreer en vooraf goedgekeur om hierdie produk te bestel.