Convert your Wyoming LLC into a Series LLC


  • Switch from a Single LLC to a Series LLC and create many Series within your LLC!
  • It does not affect your current LLC in any way: it can continue trading as usual and keep a single bank account for all the Series (you just tag your accounting transactions).
  • 👤 Your name will not appear in the documents (unless you want otherwise).
  • ✅ Includes all Secretary of State fees.
  • ⚠️The conversion can sometimes be slow to complete: 🕒 up to 2 months.
  • ⛔ Не падлягае вяртанню: звярніце ўвагу, што гэты прадукт не можа быць вернуты пасля куплі.

Нататка: вам трэба быць зарэгістраваны і папярэдне зацверджаны для замовы гэтага прадукта.