Kanada telefoninumber


  • Your Canadian phone number for you or your company.
  • Calls can be forwarded to any number in the world, or go to a Voicemail, IVR, SIP address, jne.
  • SMS are forwarded automatically by ✉️email✉️!
  • 🕒 You will receive your Canadian phone number within 24 tundi.
  • ⚙️ For any change of the configuration: simply contact us.
  • 🔁 Price per year: pikendamine on sama hinnaga.
  • ⚠️ Fair usage applies: you may be charged extra if there are a lot of calls forwarded.
  • ⛔ Ei tagastata: Pange tähele, et selle toote eest ei saa raha tagasi maksta.

Märge: sa pead olema registreeritud ja selle toote tellimiseks eelnevalt heaks kiidetud.