- 如果原始司法管轄區允許,可以將您當前的公司轉移到利比里亞 (您可以聯繫我們進行仔細檢查).
- 沒有 ESR (經濟實質法規) 在利比里亞 (然而?)
Your name will not appear in the public register (unless you want to disclose it).
- 這項服務包括:
a one year 代理人股東服務 為您的兩家公司 (您現在的公司和新的利比里亞公司).
the fee to get a certificate of good standing of your current company.
other certification and notarization fees.
每年價格: 續訂 @ £799/年.
You agree that you will not conduct any business with Liberian persons.
You will be contacted after your order to proceed.
It may take up to 4 搬家的月份.
No annual reporting nor audits.
不退還: 請注意,此產品一經購買不可退款.
筆記: 你需要成為 掛號的 並預先批准訂購此產品.